Astrology, Self-Awareness


Please note that the original term is KARM, not KARMAS (western version). Hence you will see me use the term Karm or Karm(a)s often in the text today.

Did you know that 2019 has been one of the most potent year of our generation, astrologically speaking. Have you found this year to be exceptionally challenging? The two karmic planets in Vedic / Sidereal Astrology made a huge impact in our lives this year.

2019 to 2022 is one of the most popular time for Vedic Astrologers since some of transits happening in the sky have never happened in our millennium! As I made my astrology video on Saturn-Ketu (South Node) conjunction in Sagittarius, one of my viewers emailed me, asking me to make a video on how to repay our karmas? What a wonderful question! I’d love to answer that today.

What is KARM(a) exactly? Karm in the Indian language means ‘Action’ or ‘Deed’. However, karm is not our outward action alone. Karm is also our inward action. What does this mean?

This means that every thought which is generated from our belief systems and perceptions and the intentions behind our actions make up karm as well. A collection of Karm over time makes up our destiny. In other words, the larger, intense, transformative life experience we have in our current birth are often an expression of our ‘BANKED’ karma from many previous life times.


There are 4 main types of Karmas:

  1. Sanchit Karm(a)s: The full range of karm collection for an individual soul, until current day
  2. Prarabdh Karm(a)s: Karms that have matured or ripened from the bank of sanchit karms. Not all karms ripen at the same time. Karms ripen when they are ready to give their fruits. (Just like our Fixed Deposits or Investments have a maturity time).
  3. Kriyaman Karm(a)s: The karms that we are creating by our thoughts and deeds in the present moment
  4. Agam Karm(a)s: Karms that are yet to mature or manifest in the future

The Two Karmic Planets

Saturn and Ketu (South Node) are the two karmic planets in Vedic Astrology. Saturn ruling the sign of Aquarius (along with North Node Rahu) and Ketu co-ruling the sign of Scorpio along with Mars are the two most important planets responsible in giving us the fruits of our Sanchit Karms. They govern the painful, deep teachings or transformative experiences in our life. I would not call them negative planets. After all, they help us REPAY our pent up karmic debt and help our soul progress towards a higher state of existence!

7 ways to repay our karmic debts

  1. Surrender to our destiny – The painful experiences, people, and events in our life are often the culmination of our Prarabdh karms. e.g. people we trust the most betray us or money we lose when unexpected, being or feeling abused, etc. Those people are merely ‘nimit’ (means / medium) to have our ‘karm phal‘ (fruits of our karms) reach us. Should we surrender to our lord, destiny and life then, humbly accepting our karmic lessons, we are able to resolve that debt much more easily and avoid further entanglement.

  2. Penance – Repenting for known and unknown deeds that inflicted pain to another is one of the most powerful way to repay our karmic debts. When we are pain we often say to ourselves that we haven’t done bad to anyone but truly if we were to remember and list the rude words, actions and harmful deeds we have done to the planet, animals, people in all our life years and the hurt it caused in their heart and soul even if momentarily (often lasting very long), we will surprise ourselves.


    Jainism propagates asking for forgiveness from every single living being on the planet with true intention (Intention is everything, words mean nothing to the universe if our intention is not aligned!). I highly recommend Landmark Forum’s activity where they ask us to go back to our parents, siblings, ex lovers, friends, everyone we know who we have felt hurt by us and who we feel deeply have hurt us. No matter how much we justify to ourselves that the apology is not required or may not be received well, in reality it is what some people in our lives have been waiting for years. I did that activity with over 18 people in my life and found not only how long they had kept the hurt within but also how much I mattered to them! By healing my heart and theirs as well, it brought massive spiritual shifts for me as well as them!

  3. Voluntarily Repay – We can take charge and do what it takes to repay the debt even if painful. E.g. if we have not returned someone’s belongings or money, even after years into it, we can go ahead and finish that circle of debt or serving other needy people to repay old debts we held towards others. Another example is – if we have had difficult people in our lives, know that our karm is often calling attention to healing that life experience from this birth or past. Taking the lead to do what it takes to heal the relationship can help you repay the debt at least from you end. If the other person doesn’t receive or respond it, that’s their incomplete debt, but you having done your part, complete your end of the duty! Remember, the universe hears and sees our intentions, every single second!

  4. Life-Coaching, SRT, Hypnotherapy – The power of the subconscious mind, opening our Akashic records and emotionally changing our life-stories / emotional lifestyle is huge! By strengthening our mind emotionally, we build mental resilience, learn to be humble and dissolve old soul contracts that are unhealthy. You will find that by seeking these services, a massive shift entails not only in your vibrational message but heals the core existence of everyone around you.


  5. Deeds of Service – Serving the needy, diseased or underprivileged people with physical deeds of service (preparing, distributing, serving food or visiting them, spending them with them, sharing affection, etc.) helps with the blessings that can dissolve tough karms. Remember though that the universe notices our intention. If our intention to help is to receive recognition, name or fame, then our deeds are credited towards karmic backlog.

  1. 6. Godliness aka Virtuous Living – need I say more about this? The emphasis of visiting a place of worship, worshiping a Godly figure, etc. is to build a virtuous character, so as to proceed towards more and more intentional living and humble expressions of ourselves. By being humanitarian or simple in our existence, we simplify the perceptions we hold towards life and difficult times. It builds our inner resilience and appreciation of life however it is!

    7. Blessings from an Enlightened Soul – Last but not the least, there is an uncanny ability of karmic debts being resolved with the blessings of a highly enlightened soul. When priests / gurus that are truly humble, highly spiritual and sorted in their existence, they are able to perish the negativity we hold in our energetic stamps of life. It is like having a strong antidote to a virus.

How did you like this post? Did it add to your knowledge and understanding of karm(a)s? What would you like to add to it? Please contribute and hear my video, soon to be attached below.

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Top 10 Questions to ask your astrologer regarding compatibility

Someone asked me a smart and relevant question related to Astrology: How does astrology help in marriage prospects because I have seen people match their horoscopes and be very unhappy and vice versa?


Let us get to the answer. We will talk on why horoscope matches don’t work and the correct method to match horoscopes. Yes, I can agree with it. Horoscopes may be matched with the best points or the astrologer may have said this is an excellent match and yet the couple may be unhappy and vice versa.


  1. Firstly, do not judge a marriage from what is seen in public. A couple could look like the best couple in social gatherings and on facebook but the complete opposite may be true.
  2. Astrology is an accurate study but astrologers are not! Just like there are great doctors and also terrible ones, there are great astrologers and other terrible ones. Hence, the analysis could have missed the mark.
  3. The point system – ‘gunak’ has a loop-hole. The Indian method of matching 32 points is a false system of matching horoscopes. At least, by itself it says nothing about the couple’s life. Yet, astrologers do it for one of the several reasons:- They don’t know any better. There are many ‘google’ astrologers. By that I mean, they became astrologers by wearing an astrologer’s dress, just googling information from here and there but in reality they know little astrology.- All they care for is the numbers! Many are there just to make money. So they care less of giving you a real analysis or doing their job. They know what sells with the general public and so they use it to play with the public’s psyche. In reality, there is NOTHING like DAILY FORECASTS in astrology. That is ‘fake’ astrology. 

    Same is with gemstones, mantras, havans, and the point system to match horoscopes.- There are other astrologers who may not reveal the truth. So many of us consult astrologers for the SOLE REASON of hearing something ‘good’. We just want Hope and somehow feel that a few magical words will turn our life around. Astrologers know that many times revealing the truth could mean LOSING CUSTOMERS and hence losing business.- There are more than a dozen times when people DO NOT FOLLOW the suggestions given by astrologers regarding a certain match. E.g. astrologer may have said that this is a great match but marry after 2 years. The family or couple selectively focuses on the ‘great match’ advice and leaves out the latter.

    The couple marries early and then they feel doomed! Note that there is a reason why a good astrologer says what s/he does. If you are not ready to make the advised changes or follow the advice given, do not seek the guidance in the first place because it is a waste of your money and time. More so, it takes your faith away from astrology, which is worse!

  4. Typically, a horoscope match will give an overall analysis – in general, will the couple survive well together, have a great marriage or fall apart. Asking for a more detailed analysis from the astrologer helps. Mr. and Mrs. A’s Horoscope may match very well but this doesn’t mean they will sheltered from day to day arguments. So when you mean couples are unhappy, do you mean they are unhappy because they expressed that or you thought they are unhappy because you interpreted it that way? Remember that there could be couples that quarrel day in and out and yet Love being with each other and there could be couples that be very cordial with each other but could be highly dissatisfied in themselves.

  5. Matching a couple positively doesn’t mean that they will be happy for all of the life-time they spend together. It could mean basic things like – overall sense of comfort, ability to have children, ability to share a roof, a sense of satisfaction. The more questions you ask the astrologer for clarification on specific points, the more it will help.


  • Only a handful astrologers have the real skills and knowledge of authentic astrology. This is understandable because to make an analysis one has to make such detailed and multiple calculations and compilations that it would require true genius and expertise to do so.
  • I have learnt this exact same technique from 3 expert astrologers and I have seen this work pretty well: The position of the moon in the both individual’s chart must be assessed. How far are the moon signs away from each other, what is the condition of the moon in each person’s chart and cross check moon positions as shadowed onto the other person’s chart.
  • The Sun’s position in both charts. Since women are now ambitious, career oriented, working in the outside world, both their sun positions must be checked for compatibility
  • The houses of marriage, D-9 chart, planets relevant to marriage in general astrology and in each individual’s chart must be assessed for compatibility by cross checking their influence in each other’s charts.

If you do not have deeper knowledge of astrology, these techniques may be tough to understand. However, at the least you will know to ask your astrologer – “How compatible are our moon signs and sun signs?”



Top 10 Questions to ask your astrologer for compatibility: ~ by Rima Desai

  1. How compatible are our moon signs?
  2. How compatible are our sun signs?
  3. How compatible is our overall chart?
  4. What will be the 3 best things between us if we get married?
  5. What will be the 3 worst things between us or 3 biggest obstacles if we get married?
  6. When is the best time to get married – legally bond into this relationship?
  7. What does this person seek out of the relationship?
  8. What do I look for most in a relationship?
  9. Do you suggest this match or can I find a better match than this?
  10. Any relevant questions that you may have like – related to in laws, travelling, joint assets with this person, etcMY PERSONAL OPINION:

    I believe that marriage is more of a karmic bond. I feel that the marriage or that ‘soul’ chooses us to fulfill its give and take from past births and it is not truly our ‘conscious and objective’ decision when we decide to legally bond with someone. It is definitely helpful to match horoscopes beforehand if that seems like a good ‘safety’ check but personally I feel, it is not as much in our control as we assume it to be.
