Young Dad Appreciation of the Month

Hiren Hariani ~ October 2015

~ This is a post by Rima Desai. All copyrights reserved. You may also read this post on my fb page: ParentingBooth: ~

Today, Atharv wishing his Super Daddy a Super Birthday!


Mom asked me – “What are the 3 best things about daddy?”

I thought and thought like a Great Scientist, yet, I could not think of three great things about daddy.


O, I don’t mean that my daddy is not great. I mean that I cannot list ‘JUST’ three great qualities of daddy because everything about him is so


And I want to tell the world that if they try to mess with me, they should know that I am your son. I will just give them one look:



and I am his Super-son!!!


Hey Super Dad, I also want to tell you that – When it time to glide to the moon and stars, You are my


I feel safe, cuddly and protected in your loving arms.


Did you know that you are a natural


You just know how to make me laugh and giggle. The faces you make, things you say and silly acts you do are so funny. I know you will do anything to get a smile on my face.


I love your Tight, Cozy Hugs Dad


And Your


And it is so much fun to be riding on you “Tik tik tik”


You are ‘THE PERFECT PAPA’ and I am the ‘LUCKIEST’ of all to have the ‘PERFECT PARENTS’.

Love You to the Moon and Back Pappa and Mumma!


-Your Atharv





Young Dad Appreciation of the Month

Mayur Chheda ~ September 2015

~ This post is brought to You by Rima Desai. All rights reserved. You may also read this post on my fb page: Parenting Booth: ~

mayur chheda

Dearest Dad, on your birthday we wanted you to know that you are

 super dad

We know that your age is



 Well, whatever, we think you are 41 so you are!!

Dad, you are special in so many ways! We love it when you:

– Give us a bath

– Drop us daily to


and the Sundays we spend with you because

You take us

swim ,

 to the MALL


Fly helicopter in the garden

Today is the day to tell you that we LOVE all the fun things you do with us.

…And Dad… who can be a better


 You gets books, chocolates and toys for our stomach!! Ha ha.


You are the greatest!!

(Even though you cannot cook or clean like Mom!!!)


mayur 3 mayur chheda2

Young Dad Appreciation of the Month

Anand Jaisinghani – July 2015

It gives me great pleasure to share this post as a dedication of my fondness and admiration of my First Cousin Anand ‘bhai’. I may have never told you, but I have always admired you Bhai. Happy B’day!

~ This post is brought to You by Rima Desai. All rights reserved. You may also read this post on my fb page: Parenting Booth: ~


On this Special Day I wish to Say, You are My much Admired for all that you have brought into my life.

hb TO dad p

“The days when you picked me on your shoulders and ran around the home, talked for long hours and never made me feel alone. When all the Qs I asked, unanswered you left none; spending times together, messing the home, eating chocolate, and all your surprises were a lot of fun!!

While I grew, I learnt a lot from You and when I went to Boarding, things changed into something new. I remember the letters I wrote and out of desperation, waited to hear from You. The more I shared my excitement and experiences with you, the more  the feelings of missing You within me brew. It took me that distance to realize how important You are to me and now, I could go on scratching our wonderful memories with a lot of glee. I must stop here to say I LOVE YOU DADDY, VERY DEEPLY!

I may have not expressed it like this before, but I do feel it with much rife, I am proud to say – You are the Greatest inspiration of my life!”


  1.  You explain anything to me in a Calm manner. Dad you have the power to make me feel Serene
  2. You are super helpful. These are all your helping hands which I have observed over the years!
  3. You are so selfless dad. You think so much for others versus yourself! You are such a loving and caring person, you have taught me to
  4. Even though you don’t cook so often, when you do, it is SUPER DUPER DELICIOUS!!!!!! Dad I grant you the label ofmaster chef
  5. You have another special quality Dad – You are Verycreativity-396268_640



  1. Going for a drive


  1. Watching  NG or xpl  Channelor just sitting together and asking you tons of questions related to these channels.



  1.  We’ve never done that but… I would love to cook and learn things from You.

               YOU ARE MY hero DAD


Young Dad Appreciation of the Month

Danny Carvalho – June 2015 Young Dad

This article is brought to you by Rima Desai ~ Copyrights reserved. It aims to appreciate young dads for their contribution in caring for their kid/s. You may also read it here:

Family Pic

My   superman    Dad is    telegram35    years Today!

“Dad You are the Best!”

Words by themselves cannot describe my amazing dad. The day I was born dad was the first and the happiest person to hold me. He said, “Daddy’s little princess is here”. When mom worked 6 days a week, Dad spent an entire day with me each week. On that day he would take over mom’s role pretty well – he would feed me, bathe me, and also change my diapers.

Dad You are my Favorite because:

  •  You love to crack jokes and make me laugh
  • I love the way you tuck me in your arms and rock me to sleep with your sweet lullabies. For me you are the best singer in the world. Ha ha ;)


Dad, I admire that you do chores such as ironing all my clothes and mopping  mop (Mom is lucky!)

Overall you are quiet a Cool Parent Sometimes you get impatient, but that much is allowed ;)

I enjoy watching      tv  TV with you while mom is already asleep    zzz

Dad You are not good at:

Cooking! You sure are a very bad cook and I see how you rely on Fast Food when Mom is not around.


Remember daddy my little poem phrase – “Fast Food is not Good”.

Special Notes

Dad You are my First Love and my Superhero forever! No matter what I do or what I say, I know for a fact that you will always support me. Dad for You – “Any man can be a Father but it takes someone special to be a DAD!”

hb1  Dad! IMG_4078 Love You!

Also read:


Young Dad Appreciation of the Month

Sagar Yerunkar – May 2015

This article is brought to you by Rima Desai ~ Copyrights reserved. It aims to appreciate young dads for their contribution in caring for their kid/s. You may also read it here:




At 13 years (sometimes I read numbers backwards), my dad is super supportive! There isn’t much of an age gap between  dad and me. I turned 1 few days ago and daddy turned 31 on May 16th.  See, we are only 3 apart ;)

One thing is definite – my dad has mastery over story-telling.


When he narrates me a story, he captures our attention. I may be distracted but yet, I get engulfed in his stories; mom too! You can see mom’s palm on her chin, eyes and ears in deep attention. And even if I hear less than half the story, dad continues it with a lot of enthusiasm. Love it dad! Now I can tell how dad charmed mommy. How many stories did you make up dad to impress mom?!

My dad is fun! Papa ensures he gets home on time to enjoy with me before I zzzz.


 Mom says Dad’s face is a lantern of happiness when he makes me laugh. He does it every day and it is priceless to watch! Dad doesn’t know I just laugh because I don’t want to disappoint him. ;) (Just kiddin’!)


s laughing

Mom is pretty smart too. She knows how to put dad to work. She uses her leadership skills with him too. Guess, that (shhh… mom shouldn’t hear), mom has stringed dad into feeding me breakfast, dinner, and cleaning my dirty diapers on the weekends. Pee yu! :p


Plus he does many more things to give her time. But I see why dad does it – he loves mom (nobody should know he is a little scared of mom too, like half a chocolate piece scared). Dad don’t worry, I didn’t tell mom how you sneak into the chocolate box.


There are 3 things that dad barely does half as good as mom (sorry dad, mom told me to write this ;))

  1.  Tear free bathing
  2. Getting me to close my eyes for sweet dreams
  3. Keeping me still while changing my diaper

 But then Dad has his strengths too! Here is my SD – SUPER DAD


Dad is Super good at

  1. Dressing me
  2.  Taking me to car rides

3. And playing Peek-a-Boo with me!

 Mom says: “Sagar is a super protective dad. Seeing them play together makes me wonder if boys will always be boys”.


Happy B’day DADDY!


Also read: Young dad for April –


Young Dad Appreciation of the Month

Anthony Nguyen – April 2015

This article is brought to you by Rima Desai ~ Copyrights reserved. It aims to appreciate young dads for their contribution in caring for their kid/s. 


Anthony Nguyen is our 2nd dad today for Young Dad’s Appreciation for this month. His toddler son is telling us a fun story about how Fantabulous his Dad is. He is celebrating his Dad’s 30th B’day on April 4th!

a 2 Congratulations Daddy! You have been selected as Month April’s Super Hero. You must show the world your extra-ordinary tricks. All the other boys keep saying that their dad is a Super Hero – Super man, Spider Man, Flying Man ;) but I can tell you my dad is truly a Ninja!

 Ninja Dad

Okay you guys think I am kidding right? Alright I’ll tell you what.

I know all the things that makes my Dad great. At least once every day he changes my


and often he lets me roam in it too… because he knows that it unleashes my power within – ‘Freedom from Pants Power Roooarrr’. He has changed more than

365diapers in the last one year! And while changing my diaper, he wont mind if I shower him with my love. He is ‘Cool’


Dad also knows how to change my

clothes without even holding them. He makes them fly! You must watch him do it: One kick and my shirt is off, another kick and my shirt is on… yesterday he even cut his cake like that (Umm… I mean the shoe hit the table and the cake sliced with the table earthquake… something like that… haha)

an. ngy

Do you know why I am not the Dentist’s best friend? Because my dad tooth brush my teeth, at least 5 times in a day. No, really! and if they still look not as white, he takes a few drops of paint and ….. O I was supposed to Shh that. O boy..

Thanx to dad I smell so good – he remembers to shower me at least once a week + he can give me a bath almost anywhere. He says it is ‘TRUE CREATIVITY’


He remembers to trim my nails when they begin looking like Dragon paws


Now did you say my dad is not a Ninja?!


Anthony Nguyen

Anthony Nguyen

Dad You are so Awesome, I decided to write you a message in the Sky for everyone to see




Young Dad Appreciation of the Month

Anand Krishnan – April 2015

This article is brought to you by Copyrights reserved by Rima Desai. This post is to appreciate young dad from our generation for their contribution in caring for their kid/s.

Hello everyone,  

 super cool dad

I am just 5 years but I am very creative, my name is Aryan and I am my Dad’s only child.

This is Him and Me together

  super cool dad 

Well, I am the one with the normal eyes, he is the one with the fountain on his head. In this picture his hair is not well done. He has 10 hair on his head but the person who drew this thought my dad had too little. Funny people!

In reality, my dad is very very big, so big that I can’t calculate his age. He is also a


 because he has a solution for everything, every time I am stuck. When I get hurt, he is my


and when I want to speak my heart out, he is the paper and I am the pen. I can share all my feelings with him. We do lots of thing together like:


 football       bicycle  and much more..

 I give my dad


for Bathing me every day, since the time I peed in his pants (3 months onwards).

 Did you know that in a way my dad and me are a  telephone

Everyday he wants to hear what I did in school and he tells me what happened in office. My dad says this is called ‘Clear Exchange of Information’.

There is lots more I can tell you about my dad. But Shhh.. some secrets too! When My dad laughs, it sounds like this _____________ And his fav. food is Pani puris


 gol gappa


But I wouldn’t tell him to cook for me because then the house would be on fire!



Guess what happens to dad when I cry or I am upset… He feels like this patience hahaha . .. at that time he is the bigger baby!

 But He is ‘The Bestest Dad’ ever. Happy Birthday from Jr. Anand

happy bday

anand krish


Young Dad Appreciation of the Month

Mr. Kapil Sharma – March 2015

Copyrights of this article/ post: Rima Desai ~ Founder of Parenting Booth:

Today we begin our ‘Young Dad of the Month’ Series. Typically, moms get more appreciation than dads do and hence we wish to start a new tradition. The purpose of this series is to do a quick short, honor to young dads (below age 45) for their contribution in caring for their kids. It is less of a biography; more of just a fun-run for what makes these dads special.

Welcome our Debut ‘Young dad of the Month’ 

Kapil Sharma 34years


This super dad does everything that he can to entertain his kids from playing WWF, to dancing on Bollywood songs and even making funny faces. Even after a full day’s of work, he is bursting with


Maybe because 5 year son Aarthav feels dad is just 25 years young but 35 feet tall

35 feet
and as strong as an


Of course, an Ox    cant cook

or do anything about helping with H.W.  H.W.

But then, 7 year Adya is sure that Dad fits well into the 7 feet tall ‘Woof’ category!

“We are such cute

pup        and dad is a very caring and protective
dog    “

No wonder he helps us get ready for school in the morning and makes sure we eat our food, no matter how much we hate it! A 100% Dad is great at having us follow us the rituals of home and at


Just one thing that dogs aren’t good at: Being patient with arguments. This is what dad’s face looks like when we argue:


hb   WE LOVE YOU!!

